Governing Bodies

The following organizations form the core governing bodies for the QEM Master programme:  

1. Joint Graduate Committee (JGC)

2. Advisory Board

3. Central Executive


1. Joint Graduate Committee (JGC)

The Joint Graduate Committee (JGC) is an active committee composed of the QEM Coordinator, the Deputy Coordinator, two representatives from each of the Partners, one first-year student, and one second-year student.

The purpose of the Committee is to decide on the strategy of the Consortium and approve the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree QEM (EMJMD QEM) program activities. Decisions regarding the Consortium are taken on a democratic basis by the JGC voting members. It is the ultimate decision-making body of the Consortium.

The JGC meets twice per year to regulate and manage the program. These responsibilities include selecting candidates, implementing agreements and the study program, dealing with problematic student cases, regulating the conditions for equal opportunity, and determining participation costs, among many others.

2. Advisory Board

An (external) Advisory Board comprises internationally recognized academics (including two economics Nobel Prize Winners) and high-level economics professional experts.

The names of the members are given in the following link

The Advisory Board meets annually during the Summer Meeting, monitors the program, manages the external evaluation, and provides recommendations to the JGC.

3. Central Executive

The QEM program's Central Executive (Coordination, hereafter) is at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. It is composed of the Coordinator and the Administrative Coordination Office.

It is an operating body in charge of organizational matters for the overall program, including coordinating and supervising the QEM administrative activities within the different local offices.

It is in charge of organizing QEM meetings, Jamborees, coordination of pre-enrollment, general management of scholarships and finances, seeking new scholarship resources, relations with EACEA, designing promotion and evaluation policies, JGC and Advisory Board organization, etc.